World Vision
40 Hour Challenge

You did it! Your challenges were epic. Now, let's make sure your hard work counts.
Bank your funds

Thank you! You smashed this year's World Vision 40 Hour Challenge. The funds you’ve raised will equip farmers to unlock underground forests, help young people like Pasquela learn about climate-smart agriculture, climate smart businesses, and how to keep forests healthy for years to come. You’ll provide communities with beehives to help forests thrive. You should feel so proud!

We were blown away by your epic challenges. Now it's time to make sure your hard work counts. Share your online fundraising page one last time and ask for those last-minute donations. If sponsors donated to you online – nice work, we've got your funds.

“The World Vision 40 Hour Challenge is really special because it gets New Zealanders on board to help other people around the world in need. I think the coolest thing is giving back to people who are less fortunate than yourself.”

Caleb Clarke

Stay up to date with the latest @40hournz #40HOURNZ

40 hours? Challenge accepted!

It’s rough knowing the people bearing the brunt of the climate crisis are the ones who did the least to cause it. Right now, your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge is your chance to stand with frontline communities and fight the impacts of climate change.

Meet nature's hidden super power against climate change, Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). Our epic goal is to bring back 1 billion hectares of global forest over the next 10 years. That’s bigger than Australia! If we can do it, we’ll remove up to a quarter of the world’s carbon from our atmosphere.

Stand with Pasquela to fight the impacts of climate change

Pasquela is one of many people in Timor-Leste already suffering the effects of climate change. Three years ago, she was studying at uni and her family had a thriving rice farm. Then a cyclone destroyed everything.

“My little sister had to leave school because we can’t pay for it. I had to drop out of uni too,” says Pasquela. It’s now a daily struggle for her parents to feed their children, and cyclones and droughts are only set to increase.

Got a question?

Got a question?

You'll find all the answers you need in our FAQs along with tips to kick start your fundraising.

Tools to promote your cause

Tools to promote your cause

This is where you find the goods – loads of resources to ensure your fundraising is a success.

Your ultimate guide

Your ultimate guide

Step-by-step guide to smashing the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge and regreening our future together.

Get your sponsorship books

Get your sponsorship books

Are you a team organiser? You can order your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge sponsorships books now.