We have strong checks and balances in place to ensure it does. World Vision New Zealand does not tolerate fraud or corruption in its operations and programmes and we are committed to the highest standards of legal, ethical and moral behaviour in all we do.
To make sure that corruption and fraud is prevented or detected in a timely manner, World Vision has implemented a number of measures including:
- World Vision staff – here in New Zealand and overseas – monitor and visit projects and organise audits of project finance to make certain that all funds are properly used
A management system has been set up that avoids any individual having exclusive rights to spend large amounts of money:
- Thorough background checks on staff are conducted
- Local employees are trained to detect and deter fraud
- A whistle-blower system has been established so staff can report any suspicious behaviour
Each project and National Office is accountable through a range of internal and external audit and programme quality review procedures. Reports are sent to the supporters who give us money and to the governments and authorities in the places where we operate, and to our industry peers. Additionally, World Vision complies with the requirements of funders such as MFAT. Our financial statements are externally and independently audited (in the same way and to the same standards which apply to New Zealand companies) and our annual reports are prepared to internationally acknowledged standards of transparency for not-for-profits.
contact us on 0800 800 776 or email us at
email@worldvision.org.nz, to request a full copy of our latest financial statement. You can also read our Annual Reports on our
Impact page.