How World Vision works FAQs

If you have comments on how we can enhance the service and support provided, please contact us using the form above, by calling 0800 800 776 or emailing  

We take all expressions of dissatisfaction by supporters, donors, partners, government agencies, other NGOs and external bodies very seriously and provide an open and effective process for handling any complaint received. World Vision New Zealand has a complaints policy with procedures that provide a means of dealing with any complaints in a fair, prompt and understanding manner. All investigations take into account the rights of the complainant and any staff or partner that the complaint involves. All complaints are treated confidentially. 

Any complaints made to World Vision New Zealand can be made verbally or in writing, but any verbal complaints will be recorded and logged in writing. Any person may lodge a complaint with World Vision New Zealand over any matter which World Vision New Zealand has control and that they consider gives grounds for a complaint. 

If you would like to report any issue of a serious nature, regarding the conduct of World Vision New Zealand or its employees; including, but not limited to: dishonesty, fraud or corruption, bribery or suspected terrorist engagement or involvement, illegal acts or unethical actions; please use the anonymous and confidential 'Whistleblower hotline' hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers.

World Vision offices in disadvantaged countries receive many requests from communities living in poverty. When we are approached by a group or community for help, we look at the level of need, and if any other aid agencies are supporting them. We then discuss with them their greatest needs and which solutions might bring maximum benefit to the whole community.

It takes many months of planning and discussion before the aims and goals are formed and the project established. These are led by the community and we work to ensure that they have ownership of the positive changes we will together make in their community. Even once the needs have been identified and the priorities established, the project is funded for two years before being opened for sponsorship, to ensure communities are prepared and relationships are established. 
Just because a project finishes, doesn't mean the development activities in the community come to an end. The whole aim of World Vision’s community work is ongoing sustainability. The community will continue planning and implementing activities and develop the skills they have learnt through the development process.
Every community that World Vision works with is aiming for self-sufficiency and a better future for their children. Community members and World Vision work together from the start of each project to not only build vital schools and health care centres, but also local skills and knowledge. This means one day they can lead their own development, without World Vision’s help. For some communities, that day has come – we’ve reached that goal!

During the final years of a community development programme, World Vision works to build the capacity of Community Based Organisations who take leadership of each project. If you ask community members who is in charge, they always say themselves!

By leaving these communities, we’re confident children have what they need to grow up healthy, strong and educated, without our help.