Pacific FAQs

Climate change is happening, and it is affecting the poorest communities that World Vision works with, especially those in New Zealand’s Pacific backyard. We know the most vulnerable, especially children, are the most susceptible to the devastating effects of climate change and changes to their environment are already affecting their lives.

In the Pacific Islands coastal infrastructure and land is being lost, there are more intense cyclones and droughts, crops and coastal fisheries that families rely on are being impacted, alongside coral reefs and mangroves that support the ecosystems on which families rely.

Climate change threatens the future generations of Pacific children. Because they are still growing, children are at greatest risk of the impacts of climate change on food supply. The greatest killers of children – malnutrition, diarrhoeal disease and malaria – will increase because of climate change.

A healthy environment is the basis for the future of children.

We determine the locations of our long-term projects based on the United Nations measurements of poverty. Therefore, our focus is in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, according to need. We also respond to emergencies depending on the size and scale of a disaster and whether a local government can respond adequately.
World Vision has over 30 years of experience in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. We work in partnership with local partners and governments to foster accountability and to ensure long term sustainable development. We use a long-term (10-15 years) integrated, community-driven development program model that includes strategies on health, agriculture, and water and sanitation.
Although there is growing poverty in New Zealand, there are also many systems and agencies to assist those in need. There is always more need in the world than we are able to deal with, and World Vision New Zealand works to assist the poorest of the poor, those who are the most vulnerable. 

We determine the locations of our projects according to the United Nations measurements of poverty. The United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index looks at multiple different factors including health, education, and standard of living, to determine where poverty is most extreme. While there are those who need the support of Kiwis at home, that doesn’t prevent generous New Zealanders giving to those in desperate situations abroad too.