Tax certificate FAQs

We’ve sent you a Tax Certificate because you’ve kindly donated to World Vision over the past year. You can claim one-third – 33.33% – of your generous donation back as a tax credit. Kiwis like you are so compassionate. We know that a tax credit has the potential to make a big difference in your life, and in the lives of others. So we don’t want you to miss out! For more info on tax credits, visit the IRD website.
You can use your Tax certificate to claim one-third – 33.33% – of your generous donations to World Vision, and other approved organisations, back as a tax credit. All you need to do is gather your donation receipts, including your World Vision Tax Certificate. Then use your My IR account to claim, or
Gather all your donation receipts, including your World Vision Tax Certificate, for donations you've made over $5 to approved organisations. Then, use your My IR account to claim, or
Tax credits can be claimed on the last four years of charitable giving. You just need your Tax Certificates or donation receipts. So if you haven’t done it for previous years, it’s not too late. You can even use your rebate to give again and increase your impact. Call our friendly Supporter Care Team on 0800-800-776 for more info. We can help you with previous years' Tax Certificates if you've misplaced them, too.