Race Against Time in Papua New Guinea: Humanitarian Support Crucial for Recovery

29 May 2024 by World Vision
Race Against Time in Papua New Guinea: Humanitarian Support Crucial for Recovery

  • International Support Needed: A coordinated international response is crucial to provide essential supplies and ensure the safety of affected children and families.
  • Urgent Needs: The number of casualties is expected to rise, and immediate needs include food, shelter, blankets, mosquito nets, and clean water to prevent disease outbreaks.
Urgent international support is needed to provide immediate relief for the thousands affected by the devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea.

The landslide is feared to have killed more than two thousand people, with the search and rescue effort expected to move into a recovery phase today.

World Vision welcomes the support of the New Zealand government to provide aircraft to deliver relief supplies; geo-harzard expertise, and financial assistance for humanitarian relief.

However, the organisation warns that the relief effort will be a long one.

World Vision’s National Director for PNG, Chris Jensen, says the landslide has ravaged Yambali ward 7 and Kaundak ward 14 in Papua New Guinea, displacing nearly 8,000 people and completely destroying Tulipari village.

He says the landslide has left families, including many children, without homes, shelter, or necessities.

“We are in dire need of a multi-sector response. There are children and families forced to live in open areas without adequate shelter and our hearts go out to them.

“The health and protection risks they face from cold temperatures and unsanitary conditions are deeply concerning," he says.

Jensen says homes, schools, livelihoods – entire communities – have been wiped away.

“This disaster has particularly impacted families, including many children, who are now living in exposed areas with limited supplies. This situation creates a multitude of challenges, from the immediate need for food, shelter, and basic necessities to the risk of disease outbreaks due to unsanitary conditions,” he says.

Immediate needs include food, shelter, blankets, mosquito nets, and cooking tools. Ensuring proper sanitation facilities is also crucial to prevent the spread of disease.

"The international community's support is essential. We urgently need resources and assistance to improve living conditions and safeguard the health and well-being of the affected children and families. This is a critical moment for action," Jensen says.

World Vision together with other humanitarian organisations and the Papua New Guinea government are working tirelessly to respond to landslide-hit communities.

However, the scale of the devastation demands a coordinated international response to provide essential supplies, improve living conditions, and ensure the safety and well-being of all affected children and families.

Please help those affected by the landslide and donate today.