Your Impact

You're helping children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.

You're changing the lives of the world's most vulnerable children.

Generous Kiwis like you are helping children of all backgrounds, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender, even in the most dangerous places. Day in and day out, you join forces with our staff, partners and communities to help children and their families break free from poverty. For good.

Here’s just some of what we accomplished together in 2022:

221,900 more people have clean, safe water close to home, thanks to new or fixed wells, taps and water systems.

4.5 million people received life-saving food, including 2.7 million children, in 15 countries through our partnership with the World Food Programme.

10,710 children in Chadakori, Niger are now able to read, compared to just 1,530 in 2019.

6,865 people from 10 communities in Mali, Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia, Niger and Bangladesh now know how to respond to child abuse or neglect.

Your kindness is protecting vulnerable children on a global scale.

World Vision New Zealand is part of the World Vision International partnership. Together, we've impacted the lives of over 200 million children across almost 100 countries by tackling the root causes of poverty. With the support of people like you, we're protecting children today and empowering them for tomorrow.

When COVID-19 struck, you stepped up to save lives.

9 million handwashing supplies, and over 3.4 million hygiene kits were distributed helping kids and families to protect themselves.

300,000 CHWs and frontline workers were trained to provide COVID-19 support and accurate information about vaccines.

550,000 people were supported to secure a safe quarantine or isolation space.

20+ million masks, 16 million pairs of gloves, and 835,000 disinfectant kits were distributed.

Thanks to you, through World Vision's work, every 60 seconds... a family gets water... a hungry child is fed... a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.

You're creating futures for children living in extreme poverty.

You're creating futures for children living in extreme poverty.

Child sponsorship empowers children and their communities by targeting the root causes that keep children trapped in poverty. 

Thanks to your life-changing support, together, we partner, plan and work alongside local community members to help build healthy, sustainable communities for children and families. In 2022, We supported 327,800 children including 66,860 Registered Children in 26 communities.

Our community development is transformational, community-based, sustainable, and especially focused on children's needs. 

Children living in communities like Buyamba in Uganda now have a much brighter future ahead of them. Your support has transformed the Buyamba community to be a place where children can realise the fullness of life.

You're helping us reach 1 new person with clean water every 10 seconds. World Vision is the largest non-government provider of safe water in the developing world.

We pursue the highest standards of stewardship and accountability.

We ensure all resources entrusted to us are used effectively to bring maximum impact. In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international programme support that benefit children, families and communities in need.

World Vision New Zealand is:

  • Registered with the Charities Commission (registration CC25984).
  • A member of the Council for International Development (CID) and is a signatory to the CID Code of Conduct (
  • Externally and independently audited every year by PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand. The auditor's full 2022 financial report can be downloaded here.
  • Governed by a voluntary board of New Zealand trustees.
  • Accountable to our international body, World Vision International.
  • Aligned with international codes of conduct setting standards and benchmarks.
  • Committed to best-practice accountability to reduce the risk of corruption and fraud.
  • Regularly peer-reviewed for adherence to governance and management standards.