Provide hunger relief now

You can rush life-saving food to children like Nyaduer in South Sudan on the edge of starvation.
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Every $1 you give will provide $6 of urgent, life-saving food and support

Right now, hunger is leaving children too weak to run or play. Some don’t even have the energy to speak. Their situation worsens with every meal missed. In the world's toughest places, droughts, floods and wars are smashing food supplies. And families relying on emergency food aid keep getting their rations cut. It's because of a lack of funding and the soaring price of food and fuel. In places like South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia, famine is looming. Without food, children will die. Will you choose to help hungry children like Nyaduer in South Sudan?

“Sometimes we don't eat for two or three days.”

"My youngest sister cries when she is hungry. I feel very bad about that,” says 13-year-old Nyaduer. She's struggling to fight hunger on her own. Nyaduer is living without her mum or dad in a displacement camp in South Sudan. Without life’s basics. Without enough food. And she’s fighting to keep her sisters and brothers alive, too.

Children like Nyaduer are counting on you. Your kindness means they won't have to live with the constant ache of hunger. Malnourished children will receive life-saving food. You can stop hunger in it's tracks. Whatever you can give will help save lives. Every dollar you give now will be multiplied to provide $6 worth of urgent, life-saving food and support.

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Please put your compassion into action now. There's no time to waste.

Every $1 you give will multiply to provide $6 worth of life-saving food and support to hungry children, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.