Supply Chain Transparency Legislation

A business case for an inquiry into a New Zealand Modern Slavery Act.

As a New Zealand business we invite you to sign an open letter to Minister Wood, asking for an inquiry into a New Zealand Modern Slavery Act. The letter seeks to present one voice from the New Zealand business community. The open letter will include the company logos of those favourably calling on the New Zealand Government to commence a process into whether New Zealand should implement such supply chain transparency legislation.

This process is to be completed by 9th March allowing the open letter to be presented to the Minister on 16th March 2021.

Supply chain legislation is being considered by many jurisdictions around the world. Business is leading this charge with their voices propelling government to action. Modern Slavery Acts are deliberately designed, without penalising businesses, to encourage them to proactively look for and address modern slavery. If they find it, rather than shame or blame, sectors can instead collaborate to find creative, commercial and long-lasting solutions. Supply chain legislation reflects an increasing demand from businesses and governments to act ethically and ensure their supply chains are free from modern slavery.

Creating sustainable supply chains can positively contribute towards economic growth, improve competition, provide job opportunities as well as bring families out of poverty. A government inquiry into whether New Zealand should have a Modern Slavery Act that is backed by the business community will send a strong signal to the Minister regarding the values kiwis want to uphold in business practice.

Please read the open letter, and complete the form below to add your support. Please upload your logo here by 9th March.