Big changes start small

Big changes start small

Activity 1: This is me!
Building confidence helps little ones grow into future leaders. Here’s a fun activity you can do together to boost their sense of self – and yours!
  1. Draw yourself on a piece of paper
  2. Add words, pictures and thoughts that say something about you. Get creative – this can be a magazine cut-out of something you like, the name of the place you’re from, or a word collage of your best qualities.
  3. Swap drawings to compare how you’re alike and how you’re different.

Activity 2: The Kindness jar
Show kids what kindness looks like with this simple practice. It’s a wonderful way to teach empathy, compassion and the importance of giving back.
  1. Start by sharing what it means to be kind – doing something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return.
  2. Decorate a jar or container with stickers, paints, or any art supplies your little ones like to make it special.
  3. Cut up some paper into small squares or grab some sticky notes. On each note, write a kind act they can do for others. Keep it simple, like giving someone a compliment, helping with chores, writing a thank-you note, or sharing a toy.
  4. Each day, choose a note from the jar. Encourage your child to complete the act of kindness they’ve chosen. Offer to help if they need it.
  5. After each act of kindness, talk with your child. How do they feel? How do they think the other person feels?
  6. Repeat until the jar is empty!