I have defeated poverty."

Every year, the love of kiwis like you reaches around 20 million children in 54 countries. The purpose is clear: to help children, their families and communities break free from poverty for good.

Alex is living proof of the change your kindness makes. Change that lasts!

As a child, Alex loved to sing and dreamed of being a pilot when he grew up. But his family fought a daily battle against poverty.

“When World Vision came to my community, they registered me in their sponsorship programme,” Alex says. “That is when my life started changing.”

Today, Alex is a mechanic, owns his own garage and can support himself, as well as his brothers and sisters.

And he’s paying forward the help he’s received, training other young people how to make a living as a mechanic too.

“I thank my sponsor so much for my life’s opportunity,” Alex says.

Like Alex, there are now millions of adults around the world who grew up struggling in poverty but are now living productive, fulfilled lives. It’s thanks to their hard work and the love of sponsors like you.

Thank you for believing that every child is precious. And for putting that belief into action.

When poverty tells a child like Alex they don’t matter, your kindness shows them how valued they are.

Click here to learn more about how you can help a child like Alex break free from poverty, for good.