Isma is thriving after receiving a wheelchair

Life can be tough for children living in the places where it’s hardest to be a child. And for children living with a disability in those places – tough is often just the beginning.

In Uganda, Isma was born with a severe physical disability that impacted his mobility from the waist down. He spent the first three years of his life not being able to move at all.

Not only was Isma unable to walk, but he also struggled to be accepted by his community.

Isma’s loving mother Florence had to carry him everywhere, even taking him to the market where she worked. It was a daily struggle for the family to put food on the table. There was no money left over to meet Isma’s complex health needs.

There were times I cried because we weren’t able to save any money for his operation,” says Florence. “We didn't have anyone to turn to for help.

But because of child sponsors like you, Isma and Florence weren’t alone. You made it possible to provide Isma with a wheelchair designed for his specific environment and needs. 

It makes him very happy,” says Florence. “He uses it to study and play. Life is a lot easier now.”

Isma beams in his personalised wheelchair surrounded by his friends. “With these wheels, I can move anywhere. I feel comfortable and it is easy to move around,” he says.

I can eat food and drink tea while I enjoy my wheelchair. I no longer eat from the dirty ground like before. My friends use the wheelchair to help me move. I use it when I read my books."

Child sponsors are helping to close the gaps for children with disabilities by addressing their needs – and the barriers to their equal treatment and quality of life.

He’s not alone. People with disabilities are often hampered by poor services, stigmas and systemic inequalities throughout the world.

In comparison to children without disabilities, children with disabilities are 51% more likely to feel unhappy, 32% more likely to suffer severe physical punishment in their home and 49% more likely to have never attended school.

In the areas where World Vision works, the inequalities these children suffer are even greater. Only 2% of people with disabilities in developing countries have access to basic care.

Your kindness is changing everything for children families like Isma’s.

You’re helping people with disabilities to be included in their communities and have opportunities to go to school, earn a living, and run their own lives – just like everyone else. 

Thank you for opening the door to a full life for some of the world’s most vulnerable children.

Learn more about how Child Sponsorship empowers children to build a brighter future.