Kids in tough places love making these. Now you can get crafty too!

One of the most popular activities with girls and boys in our child-friendly spaces is origami. So, we’re excited to share two origami creations for you and your little ones to try too.

Kids growing up in war zones and refugee camps are just like the kids in your neighbourhood, except their homes have been torn apart.

Thanks to the kindness of Kiwis like you, amid the chaos and confusion, they have safe places to learn and play, and feel like kids again.

We hope you enjoy getting creative. Go!

Origami Elephant

Step 1:

Step 1:

Start with a square piece of paper.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Fold in half by folding the right corner to the left corner.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Fold in half again by folding the top corner to the bottom corner.

Step 4:

Step 4:

Create a crease in the middle, and then unfold.

Step 5:

Step 5:

Fold each top corner to the side like this.

Step 6:

Step 6:

Fold the tips of the left and right corners in like this.

Step 7:

Step 7:

Turn over.

Step 8:

Step 8:

Fold the elephant’s trunk up and down like an accordion.

Step 10:

Step 10:

Pull out the elephant’s trunk and add some eyes. Done!

Origami Heart

Step 1:

Step 1:

Start with a square piece of paper.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Fold the top corner to the bottom corner. Make a crease, then unfold it.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Fold the left corner to the right corner. Make a crease, then unfold it so you have a cross of creases inside.

Step 4:

Step 4:

Fold the top corner down to the centre.

Step 5:

Step 5:

Fold the bottom corner up to the top edge.

Step 6:

Step 6:

Fold the bottom left and right edges up to the centre crease.

Step 7:

Step 7:

Turn over. Fold down the top corners, then fold in the side corners.

Step 8:

Step 8:

Then turn over to see your finished origami heart.