It feels like I’ve been reborn into a new life."

It feels like I’ve been reborn into a new life."

In a Cambodian village, Saran, a loving mother, is celebrating the life-changing impact that child sponsorship has had on her entire family and community.

And it’s thanks to the kindness of sponsors like you by their side.

Ten years ago, a generous person like you decided to sponsor Saran’s eldest son through World Vision. Saran says that moment was like a rebirth for her and her entire family.

Since then, Saran says every aspect of their life has changed. Today, the family has a stable income and she is confident she can provide for her children.

The family has clean water close to home, grows plenty of nutritious food, and is making big plans for the future.

"Thanks to World Vision, I know how to support myself and be self-sufficient,” says Saran.

You see, kiwis didn’t give Saran and other struggling families a handout. You gave them a hand up. So that Saran and her community could lead change in their own lives. Change that will last.

“World Vision didn't give us money,” Saran says. “Instead, they gave us the skills and tools that allow us to lead our lives independently.

“It feels like I am reborn into a new life. I can earn money and not only rely on my husband."

Saran and her son Chivron (6) have plenty to smile about.

Thanks to the love and care of kiwis like you, Saran and her husband Kan got the chance to join community development projects, including agricultural training to help them earn a more stable income and provide for their kids.

The family and others in the community learned how to grow crops and raise livestock. You also helped provide the materials and tools they needed to get started.

“I am most thankful for the knowledge and technical skills we learned because it is sustainable and can support me for a long time,” says Kan, Saran’s husband.

Ten years ago, the family relied entirely on Kan’s meagre income. He struggled to make $USD1.50 per day as a construction worker, which made it impossible to meet their basic needs.

But that’s completely changed! Through agricultural training, Kan and Saran learned which crops were the best to grow for the land, water and tools they had, and got the support they needed to start farming.

Today, they grow rows of cucumbers and spinach, which they can sell at the market for at least $USD250 a month profit. This is a huge improvement in their family income!

They also received a pig and with their farm profits, bought chickens and cows too.

With a more stable income and easy access to healthy food, their children are now growing healthy and strong.

Before, Saran and Kan struggled to feed their family. "We used to fish in a nearby pond and cook with whatever we found on the day,” says Saran. “We didn't have enough money to buy food from the market.

“Now, we can afford more nutritious food. And we have enough for every meal!” Saran says proudly.

Saran (back left), her husband Kan (back right) with their daughter Rachana (14) and son Chivorn (6) smile in front of their rows of crops.

Saran’s family also celebrate being able to drink clean, safe water close to home.

It wasn’t always this way. Saran used to have to walk a long way to fetch clean water. When she was pregnant with her children, it was simply too far. She had to fetch dirty water from a pond closer to home.

“The pond was shallow, so the water contained so much dirt,” Saran says. “Even after I boiled and filtered it, it was still not clean enough to drink. It was a tough time for me.”

Thankfully, it’s not one she or her children will experience again. With the generosity of sponsors like you, we were able to dig a new well right in Saran’s village. Later, you helped upgrade it with a piped water connection and treatment system.

“Now, we can get clean water straight to our water jar. It is so convenient!” says Saran. “We don't have to walk far and carry the heavy water back. Most importantly, the water is cleaner and safer.”

For Saran, Kan and their children, life could not look more different than it did 10 years ago.

Saran is a member of the local Agriculture Cooperative, where farmers work together to grow, market and sell their produce at better rates for everyone.

She also volunteers at an after-school reading camp that child sponsors set up. Saran and other community members now help local children to improve their literacy skills.

Kan is a member of the Water Management Committee, which makes sure the water is kept clean, safe and accessible for everyone. And along with the rest of the committee, he’s been trained to keep clean water flowing for years to come.

Life at home has changed too. After Saran and Kan joined a positive parenting workshop that sponsors like you made possible, they changed the way they disciplined their children and treated each other at home.

Saran has big dreams for her family’s future. She plans to grow more varieties of crops and start a fish pond to make sure they never go hungry again. And she wants to support each of her children to complete higher education.

Her family’s smiles show the joy they’ve found in a life transformed. It’s all thanks to their hard work and determination, and the kindness of child sponsors like you by their side.

That is worth all of us celebrating. Thank you!

Click here to Learn more about how child sponsors empower children and their families to build brighter futures.