Family-Friendly Bliss in 3 Ingredients: A Simple Scone Recipe for Delicious Moments Together.

Family-Friendly Bliss in 3 Ingredients: A Simple Scone Recipe for Delicious Moments Together.

  • 500g self-raising flour
  • 250ml (1 Cup) chilled lemonade
  • 300ml Cream

1. Preheat oven to 220°C fan bake. Line a large baking tray with baking paper.


2. Place the flour in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Pour in the lemonade and 1 cup (250ml) of cream.


3. Mix until soft, sticky dough forms.

4. Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently for 30 seconds or until just smooth.

5. Press dough until it is 3cm-thick. Cut dough into 5cm pieces.


6. Place the scones on the prepared tray.

7. Lightly brush the tops with the remaining cream.

8. Back for 16-18 minutes or until scones are risen and golden and sound hollow when tapped on the top. Transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly.

9. Serve scones warm or room temperature with whipped cream and jam.