VisionFund Myanmar

Helping families earn a stable living.

Thank you for helping families in Myanmar break free from poverty!

Thanks to you, thousands of families now have the opportunity to overcome poverty for good. Your support of VisionFund micro-finance has provided low-income families in Myanmar capital to help start and grow their businesses. Your support has made it possible for farmers to grow improved varieties of rice, raise more pigs and connect with customers. It's all part of helping them build thriving, profitable businesses.

From surviving to thriving!

From surviving to thriving!

You've empowered people in Myanmar with microfinance and financial services, enabling thousands of families to lift themselves out of poverty. You've helped to start and strengthen producer groups, build profitable value chains and increase access to essential financial services. 

Because of you, people who were struggling to survive and provide for their families accessed small, low-interest loans to start or grow their businesses. They joined savings programmes and attended financial trainings where they learned to save money.

Thanks to your support, families are now making more money and are better able to provide for their children. Thank you.

You've made a life-changing difference for children and families in Myanmar.

Paing now has a bright future ahead of him.

Paing was very young when his father passed away, burdening his mother to care for him on her own. She took over his weaving business and worked long, gruelling days on their handloom. She earned barely enough for them to survive on, and they depended on support from Paing's uncles for food. When she got a loan from VisionFund their whole life turned around. She was able to buy a weaving machine and grow the business into one of the most successful in the neighbourhood. Paing's mother was able to pay his school fees, so he could keep studying. Now he is studying at University. "My mother has built a life for us, and through my education, I want to build a life for her when she gets old".

<h4>Ma Htar Cho is now earning a good living for her family.

Ma Htar Cho is now earning a good living for her family.

Thanks to your support, Ma Htar Cho, mother of two, changed her family's future. She was one of the first to join a savings group started in her village. Then, when local farmers formed a pig producer group, she signed up right away. As part of the producer group, Ma Htar Cho learned everything she needed to know to operate a successful farming business, from building pig houses to marketing her products. Loans from the savings group helped her get started. Now, she's earning a good living for her family. "I am so happy that my pig breeding business is becoming successful! I will work hard to grow this business in the future. Thank you!"

You've given families the power to change their future.

Long-term impact

Long-term impact

You've equipped families to make changes that last.

Local ownership

Local ownership

Community members are involved every step of the way.

Transformed relationships

Transformed relationships

Farmers work together to achieve a shared vision.



Enable producer groups to invest and sell products at a higher price.



Families have diverse sources of income and markets for their products.



Producer groups influence policy decisions that impact their livelihoods.

Gender equality

Gender equality

Women are supported to be members and leaders of producer groups.



As micro-loans are repaid, the funds are recycled to other borrowers.

You've helped 6,290+ families from 50+ villages earn a better living for a brighter future.

You've helped farmers make their pig and rice value chains more sustainable, scalable and profitable. A partnership with Lincoln University and the International Livestock and Research Institute has helped address production and processing challenges.

Thanks to you, VisionFund Myanmar disbursed thousands of low-interest loans with a total value of more than $4 million in the Tanintharyi area – far exceeding the project goal. Local branches have served a total of 8,816 active clients.

You've helped start and strengthen 30+ producer groups. As a group, farmers can increase production and improve the quality of their products. Combined with access to business training and financial services, they can transform their livelihoods forever.

With your support, 61 village savings groups provided more than 1,000 people with savings and loans for essentials like farming supplies, children's school expenses and healthcare. These groups have saved 226% more than their five-year goal!