
Severe drought, political unrest, and earthquakes
continue to drive humanitarian needs for millions of Afghans. Give now

Help protect children in Afghanistan and other dangerous places today.

We are deeply concerned for children in Afghanistan who are suffering from the impacts of multiple crises. Since the beginning of October, Afghanistan has been suffering from the effects of four major earthquakes. These earthquakes worsen an already dire situation in Afghanistan. After decades of conflict and worsening climate impacts, millions of children and families are in need of your support.

The change in Afghanistan’s regime last year has plunged the country into an unprecedented economic crisis combined with severe drought that now sees over half the population living in poverty. So many are displaced and are without crucial basics like food, water, healthcare and education. We urgently need your help to protect vulnerable children living in dangerous places affected by conflict, natural disasters, and harmful cultural norms. Almost half the population in Afghanistan, 18.4 million people, needed humanitarian and protection assistance last year alone. This number continues to grow each day.
Every $1 you give to help kids in danger will provide $6 of urgent support.

Please help children in countries like Afghanistan survive, recover and build a future.

A monthly gift of $20, will provide $120 worth of life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

Emergency drought response

Emergency drought response

Severe drought is creating a food crisis and causing large scale displacement. Hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable are being pushed out of their areas of origin to seek emergency assistance

Over half the population, 25 million, are living in poverty. Families are spending almost three quarters of their income on food alone, with millions on the edge of famine, lacking the money to buy food. Around 4 million children are now acutely malnourished.

Internally displaced families are putting children at risk to get by, including resorting to early marriage. Desperation is pushing families to marry off their girl children to receive a “bride price” and to reduce the number of mouths to feed. 

Give now

Afghanistan’s crisis has gotten worse since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. Attention has turned away, and the country has rapidly slipped into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

- Asuntha Charles, National Director World Vision Afghanistan.

Afghanistan's children face an unimaginable crisis.

Afghanistan's children face an unimaginable crisis.

The situation in Afghanistan today is a living nightmare for children. They’re starving. They’re sick. They’re out of school. How will they survive?

Read our report Afghanistan: A Children's Crisis to learn more now.

"It is time for all of us to remember these children. We must take action to ensure Afghanistan’s children, like children right here in Aotearoa New Zealand, have the opportunity to play, to learn, and to live life in all its fullness.” Grant Bayldon.

Give monthly to Childhood Rescue to protect vulnerable children in dangerous places.

A monthly gift of $20, will provide $120 worth of life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

Your kindness is reaching malnourished little ones like Nadia – just in time

Your kindness is reaching malnourished little ones like Nadia – just in time

Nadia is 18 months old. She's known hunger all her life. Her family's crops died due to the drought in Afghanistan, and without enough food Nadia's loving mum was so hungry she couldn’t produce enough breastmilk to feed her.

When Nadia stopped growing, her grandma Dawlat knew she needed help. But the local health clinic had closed due to conflict. Then, thanks to your kindness, a Mobile Health and Nutrition Clinic visited the area. Dawlat took Nadia for an urgent check-up and she was diagnosed as acutely malnourished. Thankfully, Nadia received treatment to help her gain weight, before it was too late.

In Afghanistan right now, half of all kids under age 5 are at risk of dying from hunger. They urgently need food, access to health care, support to recover from malnutrition and more.

We ensure all resources entrusted to us are used effectively to bring maximum impact.

As part of an international partnership working in nearly 100 countries, World Vision New Zealand pursues the highest standards of stewardship and accountability.

In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international program support that benefited children, families and communities in need. Learn more.