South Sudan

With ongoing civil unrest, and a devastating hunger crisis, South Sudan is one of the world's most dangerous places for children.

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Help protect children in South Sudan and other dangerous places today.

South Sudan is one of the world's most dangerous places for children. Eight years of violent conflict is causing widespread destruction and death. Children and families are forced to flee their homes, many of them on the brink of starvation. The devastating hunger crisis puts millions at risk of famine. We urgently need your help to protect vulnerable children in South Sudan.

7 million

7 million

people struggle to find enough food each day.

1.4 million

1.4 million

children are suffering from acute malnutrition.



of girls in South Sudan are married before the age of 18.

Hunger crisis - Millions at risk of starvation or famine

Hunger crisis - Millions at risk of starvation or famine

Right now, children in South Sudan are starving. They’re facing the worst hunger crisis in living memory. Food insecurity in South Sudan has reached the most extreme levels since independence in 2011. 

Millions are at risk of starvation or famine as almost 7 million people - 60% of the population struggle to find enough food each day.

No child should die from starvation. When hunger threatens a child, there’s no time to waste. 

Please help provide life-saving food aid to children weak from hunger. You can help stop hunger, malnutrition and the onset of starvation.

Give to Childhood Rescue to protect children in dangerous places like South Sudan.

A monthly gift of $20, will provide $120 worth of life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

Girls forced to marry, some as young as 12 years old

Girls forced to marry, some as young as 12 years old

Gender inequality and harmful cultural norms have resulted in 52% of girls in South Sudan being married before they are 18; 9% before they are 15.

Early marriage violates girls’ rights to health, education and future opportunities. It exposes girls to devastating violence and traps them in a cycle of poverty.

Once married, girls face intense social pressure to prove their fertility. Often married to older husbands, it can be extremely difficult for girls to assert their wishes, particularly when it comes to negotiating safe sexual practices and the use of family planning methods.

Together, with your support we can continue to partner with communities to break down ingrained beliefs and unequal systems that force women and girls into early marriage.

Please help children in countries like South Sudan survive, recover and build a future.

A monthly gift of $20, will provide $120 worth of life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

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As part of an international partnership working in nearly 100 countries, World Vision New Zealand pursues the highest standards of stewardship and accountability.

In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international program support that benefited children, families and communities in need. Learn more.