Mirpur Community, Bangladesh

Mirpur Community, Bangladesh
  • Population78,608
  • Villages19
  • Temp 28°C
Mirpur is a slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital city. The houses here are simple, and approximately 80% of people don't have access to safe drinking water. Diseases are common, putting kids at risk because their families can't afford health services. 

Your sponsorship is helping to tackle three challenges facing children in Mirpur:
  1. Kids drop out of school and go to work to support their family.
  2. Dirty water makes kids sick.
  3. Malnutrition and access to health services are major issues.

Partnering together for a sustainable future.

By supporting children in Mirpur community, you are making an incredible difference in vulnerable children’s lives.

Your support is helping Mirpur community by improving the physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of the most vulnerable children.

Through decades of experience, we have proven that the most effective way to help a child is to strengthen their entire community, caring for every child along the way. In fact, because of these community-focused solutions, for every child you help, 4 more benefit too!

Together, we are tackling the hard problems, such as changing mindsets and behaviours to address the root causes of poverty. We're focusing on building skills, hope and opportunity for the children of Mirpur community.

Your support is making a life-changing impact for children in Mirpur.

740 girls and boys took actions like speaking out against harmful attitudes and practices, to help end violence against children in the community.

89% of children in nutrition programmes gained weight, helping to improve their health.

1,020 people learnt about hygiene, including how to wash their hands and keep clean, helping to protect them and their families from disease.

493 children were given supplements like iron and folic acid, helping them grow healthy and strong.

"I've become a leader and speak out about child protection. I'm raising awareness about child rights in my community and helping to end violence against children." – Suborna (13), centre with hand raised

"Before, I didn't know how to protect myself and my family from COVID-19. Now, I'm helping other children become aware by sharing information and leaflets and posters."– Sumi (12), pictured left

"World Vision showed us proper handwashing techniques to help keep families and children safe from COVID-19. I'm now raising awareness about handwashing in my community." – Salma, community leader, centre washing hands

Transforming communities together.

We will continue our partnership with the Mirpur community until 2029. Continuing to build knowledge, skills and resilience through sustainable projects; equipping the community to identify and effectively respond to needs as they arise.

Started 2014

Completing 2029

“In my children’s group, we get together and have fun playing games. We have learned about our rights and how to keep ourselves safe from harm. I feel safe in my community now.”

- Mim (12), Mirpur community, Bangladesh

Mim pictured with blind fold

Did you know?

Did you know?

The Sundarbans region of West Bengal

Did you know vegetation in Bangladesh varies depending on location?

Bangladesh has four different areas of vegetation. Cultivated plants and orchards are found in the flat plains of the western regions.

The eastern zone has many low hills covered with jungles of bamboo and rattan (a species of climbing palm). The most common plant is a large type of bamboo that forms the basis of the country’s paper industry. 

The central zone contains many lakes and supports swampy vegetation; the soil of part of this zone produces the Madhupur jungles. 

The southern zone along the Bay of Bengal contains the vast wetlands of the Sundarbans, located within the largest mangrove forest in the world.

Other ways you can help vulnerable children.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

You can help another child break free from poverty, for good. Your sponsorship will help bring essentials like clean water, education and healthcare to a child and their community.

Childhood Rescue

Childhood Rescue

Children in the world’s most dangerous places need you now. Help them survive, recover and build a future. You can provide life-saving food, water and protection to kids whose lives are on the line.

Gift in your Will

Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision is a wonderfully generous way to ensure the values that are important to you live on, as you continue impacting communities around the world.