Sarankhola Community, Bangladesh

Sarankhola Community, Bangladesh
  • Population119,000
  • Villages45
  • Temp 25°C
Sarankhola is a remote coastal area in southwest Bangladesh that suffers from floods, cyclones, droughts and salty soil. Many families rely on fishing but can't meet their basic needs and kids go hungry. It's hard to find clean water to drink or health care. Children are often sick and can't get the treatment or medicine they need.

Your sponsorship is helping to tackle three challenges facing children in Sarankhola:
  1. Families can't produce enough or earn enough to provide for their children.
  2. Dirty water makes kids sick.
  3. Without health services, kids can die from preventable diseases.

Your support is making a life-changing impact for children in Sarankhola.

You'll help train the community on climate-smart farming and support families to find more ways to earn stable income.

You'll help build water systems to provide clean, safe water close to homes and the community. You'll also help families practise safe sanitation and hygiene.

You'll help train local health workers to provide pregnant women, newborns and kids with health education and care.

Started 2024

Completion 2034

“I worry about my studies, I wish I had a table at home. I would read and study there and could do better in my studies.”
– Karima, age 11

“When I see the faces of my sons, I feel sad. All our income goes towards their treatment and care. We cannot give them nutritious food.”
– Putul, mother

“My husband is a fisherman. Our living depends on the forest and river. I wish I could work to help my family, but I have no skills or opportunity.”
– Rahima, mother

“The price of food and essentials has increased a lot. We can't cope. Several times, we've had no food at home. The children became very skinny. I've cried a lot.”

– Nargis, mother of three

Did you know?

Did you know?

The Sundarbans region of West Bengal

Did you know vegetation in Bangladesh varies depending on location?

Bangladesh has four different areas of vegetation. Cultivated plants and orchards are found in the flat plains of the western regions.

The eastern zone has many low hills covered with jungles of bamboo and rattan (a species of climbing palm). The most common plant is a large type of bamboo that forms the basis of the country’s paper industry. 

The central zone contains many lakes and supports swampy vegetation; the soil of part of this zone produces the Madhupur jungles. 

The southern zone along the Bay of Bengal contains the vast wetlands of the Sundarbans, located within the largest mangrove forest in the world.

Other ways you can help vulnerable children.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

You can help another child break free from poverty, for good. Your sponsorship will help bring essentials like clean water, education and healthcare to a child and their community.

Childhood Rescue

Childhood Rescue

Children in the world’s most dangerous places need you now. Help them survive, recover and build a future. You can provide life-saving food, water and protection to kids whose lives are on the line.

Gift in your Will

Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision is a wonderfully generous way to ensure the values that are important to you live on, as you continue impacting communities around the world.