Cheru's story

Every day, Cheru walks more than six kilometres to dig for dirty water in a dry riverbed.

She brings her mother’s teapot, since that’s the biggest container she can carry on the long journey home.

Even worse, the contaminated water often makes her sick, and her mum worries that missing too much school will make Cheru fall behind.

Every day, nearly 1,000 children under five die from diarrhoea caused by dirty water, poor sanitation, and unsafe hygiene.

World Vision reaches one new person with clean water every 10 seconds. Together, we can reach everyone, everywhere we work by 2030, because every child deserves clean water.

Sponsoring a child, like Cheru, is a personal way for you and your family to live out Jesus’ call in Matthew 25 and show God’s love to a child in need.