Kasanda’s only health centre is struggling

Kasanda’s only health centre is struggling

A lack of space and resources at the health centre is putting lives at risk.

At Kasanda’s only health centre, children and families risk infection and disease.

Staff at Kasanda’s only health centre are struggling to keep up with the demand for medical services and many other challenges they face.

Nurse Victoria says the situation is dire. It’s putting lives at risk every day.

“We’re a small team – me, an assistant clinical officer and a medical attendant,” she says.

“To meet the demands of all our patients, we’ve become a multi-tasking team of three. We do everything. We don’t have enough space for all our patients. It’s even more difficult when delivering babies.”

The health centre doesn’t have enough clean, safe water, which makes it impossible to maintain good hygiene. Every day, patients risk infection and disease.

“We don’t have enough water,” says Rehema. “This is not a health-friendly environment, but this is what we have.”

Without clean water, it’s incredibly hard to provide a safe environment for mothers and children during childbirth. A time when both are so vulnerable and in need of the best care.

Right now, your kindness is reaching children and families in Kasanda. Your love and care will help build water systems to provide clean, safe water close to home for children, and at the health centre. With you by their side, children in Kasanda can build a brighter future, where they can grow up safe and healthy, and get the medical care they need. Thank you.