A window to a brighter future

A window to a brighter future

Francis and Christine with their three children, Pascal (14), Maxy (15) and Jimmy (5).

Whenever Christine looked around at the mud house she used to live in with her family, brick walls and glass windows felt like luxuries they would never get to enjoy.  
For her and her husband Francis, daily life was a constant battle to meet their family’s basic needs.

They often couldn’t feed their hungry children, they couldn’t afford to send them to school or improve much about their mud house.

Battling against persistent dry seasons and lacking vital farming and gardening skills, they struggled to grow enough bananas in their plantation to secure a steady family income.

Having enough food for their children, and opportunities for them to have a brighter future, seemed like a distant dream that would never become anything more.

But then, sponsors like you reached out a helping hand to Francis and Christine, in the form of farming and gardening training, vegetables seeds and piglets. Grateful and determined, Francis and Christine grabbed hold of these opportunities, got trained up and worked hard to turn their family’s life around.
Pascal (14), Jimmy (5) and Christine look on as Francis pats one of the pigs that provide manure for the family’s bananas and vegetables to grow well.

The piglets they reared are now providing manure to help the bananas and vegetables grow well. They’ve improved their yields and, today, they can feed their children enough food and send them to school. They’ve even been able to give some piglets away to their neighbours. 

Pascal says, “I’m performing better at school because I have the things I need like a uniform and exercise books. I eat well both at home and at school. When I grow up, I would like to become a mechanical engineer.”

A sign that daily life really had changed for the better was the new brick house they could afford to build for their family, complete with glass windows.

Christine says, “We’ve learnt many useful skills and received a lot of good knowledge, thanks to World Vision sponsors. Thank you so much for all of your generosity!”

Francis’s family lives in Uganda’s Buyamba community, which right now is celebrating the achievement of becoming self-sufficient after 15 years of support from people like you. 

In 2006 in Buyamba, only 23% of families harvest enough to sell part of their crops for income. In 2020, that had jumped to an incredible 99%. Sponsors also helped the community build the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to work through challenges like COVID-19 on their own. 

This was only possible because of kind people like you.

In spite of the challenges confronting us from COVID-19, your beautiful vision endures. Your vision of a world in which the most vulnerable children and their families, like Christine and her family, can break free from poverty, for good.

Francis has this final message for sponsors: “Thank you for your support, it has transformed our lives!”

Learn more about the transformation of Buyamba that was only possible because of people like you.