Dirty water is threatening Kaung’s future

Dirty water is threatening Kaung’s future

Kaung (10) with mother fetching water from the stream in Paung, Myanmar

Kaung doesn’t have access to safe water and there are no health services to help him when contaminated water makes him sick.

Ten-year-old Kaung lives with his mother, Su, and 3-year-old brother in Paung, Myanmar. His father lives in neighbouring Thailand where he’s working hard to support the family.

The main source of water in Kaung’s village is a local stream, but it dries up in the summertime. Even when the stream has water, it’s not safe to drink. The water is contaminated because people dump their waste in it.

"As we use that stream water, my children usually get sick with diarrhoea," says Su, Kaung’s loving mother. "If that happens, I take them to the rural health centre."

There’s no health facility in Kaung’s village. No local doctor or nurse or pharmacy or clinic. If Kaung or his brother get sick, Su must travel 6 kilometres to the rural health centre, which is tough if you have no transport and are carrying a sick 10-year-old and toddler.

If Kaung suffered from a major health problem and needed special treatment, his mum would need to travel 40 kilometres to find a doctor in town.

Kaung’s family relies on his father’s income. He sends money home every month. But it’s barely enough for the family to get by. There’s no money left for medicine.

Right now, your kindness is reaching children like Kaung in Paung. You will help train local health workers to provide children and pregnant women with health care right in their homes. With your help, children like Kaung can grow healthy and build a brighter future.