You’re providing safe havens for kids fleeing Ukraine

You’re providing safe havens for kids fleeing Ukraine

Nikolay (8)

This is the second time Nikolay has fled conflict in his country. Before, he was 10 months old. Now he’s 8.

You helped to provide shelter in Romania for Nikolay and his mother, along with food and essential supplies like soap and toothbrushes. You also provided devices for Nikolay and other kids to continue learning.

“It’s like a nightmare. During the first war in 2014, you had the possibility to go to other cities in Ukraine, but now there aren’t cities where we can go to be safe,” says Nikolay’s mother Elena. 

Nikolay keeps busy with art and online school. His teacher is in Bulgaria, so his class is able to continue meeting virtually. When class is over, Nikolay likes to draw. 

“I really like drawing. It makes me happy. I’m drawing the heroes from computer games, films and cartoons,” he says. 

Elena is doing her best to stay positive, for Nikolay’s sake.

“You can’t lose hope. If we survived the war in Donetsk that means we can do it again. We have to have hope and we can’t lose our kindness. We must help other people and not let this experience harden us.”

Generous supporters like you are providing food, shelter, heaters, clothing, emergency toilets, soap, nappies, toothbrushes and toothpaste, safe spaces for kids to play, protection against trafficking, trauma support, and more to children and families who’ve left everything behind in Ukraine to search for safety.

Thank you for helping refugee families, right when they need you the most.