Consent and Release form

Uploading a photo to World Vision New Zealand’s website as part of the ChosenTM invitation to child sponsorship, is deemed acceptance of the conditions outlined in this consent and release form. 

I hereby consent to and grant permission to World Vision New Zealand (WVNZ) and all its affiliated organisations (or agents thereof) to use the photo and any related personal information I have uploaded to the WVNZ website as part of the ChosenTM invitation to child sponsorship. 

If the photo and/or related personal information relates to another person, then I confirm that person has authorized use of the photo and related personal information in accordance with this consent and release form, and I have authority to agree to this consent and release form on that person’s behalf.

I authorize the photo and related personal information to be used in any of the following ways:
a)    for the purposes of being chosen as a sponsor by a World Vision Child beneficiary;
b)    public relations;
c)    public awareness or education;
d)    public service; and/or
e)    fundraising.

I understand that that the photo may be exhibited, displayed, reproduced, broadcast, or otherwise used in a manner consistent with the purposes outlined above.

This authorization extends to all languages, media, formats and markets now known or hereafter devised.

This includes occasional granting of permission to outside organizations, for use of the photo and related personal information in support of World Vision objectives. 

I hereby acknowledge and agree that WVNZ may transfer the photo and related personal information to its affiliated organizations, agents or third parties (collectively the “Transferees”) for the purposes specified in this consent and release form. 

I understand that some of the Transferees may be located outside of New Zealand, and that, as a result of a transfer between WVNZ and an international Transferee, the use of the photo and related personal information may be subject to the legal requirements of the jurisdiction(s) to which it is transferred and retained.

I hereby hold harmless World Vision, WVNZ and all their affiliated organizations, from any liability related to the use of the photo and related personal information. 

I agree that World Vision and WVNZ have unlimited use of the photo and related personal information for the purposes described above.

This consent and release form applies in addition to WVNZ’s privacy policy which you can read here: 

If there is any inconsistency between this consent and release form and our privacy policy, this consent and release form prevails.