
We provide proven, cost-effective health and nutrition interventions to improve the lives of children. 

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Ensuring the most vulnerable have access to healthcare.

Improving maternal health
We support new and expectant mothers with education about breastfeeding, birth preparedness and healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy, along with access to maternal health services, supplements and nutrition training. 

Train community health workers
We equip and train community members, often volunteers, to work as community health workers. They visit vulnerable families in places with limited access to healthcare, providing emergency frontline care and life-saving interventions. 

Empowering families
We work with families and communities to create lasting behavioural change. We educate and champion positive attitudes and behaviours towards preventative health practices and the eradication of harmful stigma surrounding diseases like HIV.

Give the gift of Healthcare!

$10 to help immunise a child
You can improve a precious child’s health, lifespan and quality of life. This gift enables kids in some of the world’s most remote regions to be immunised against diseases that rob them of health, education and even their lives.

$35 to buy an emergency medical kit
First aid in times of crisis. This gift can help bind a child’s wounds in the wake of a crisis or sudden disaster. The emergency medical kit includes things like antiseptic, bandages and band-aids to treat cuts and prevent infections.

$80 to give the best start
You can give babies the best start in life. With this life-changing bundle, you'll Help a Child Get Immunised, Keep Mum and Bubs Healthy with supplements and nutrition training and provide Clean Water for a Child.

$5,125 to kit out a clinic
You'll help stock a health clinic with medical supplies like medicine, gloves, gowns and gurneys. Your gift will help a community to get life-saving healthcare. Good health makes a world of difference.

We work with communities to protect children and their families from infection and disease and provide access to essential health services to help children and their families live long and healthy lives.



Many of the communities in the Pacific are on remote and isolated islands, making it very difficult for many families to reach healthcare centres.

With your support, we're working with communities to bring healthcare services closer, by training locals about healthcare, sanitation and nutrition, and partnering with local health centres to raise awareness.

Learn more about our work supporting the Pacific.



For women and children in Asia, surviving childbirth, and the first five years of life is challenging. In this part of the world, the maternal death rate is significantly higher than in developing countries. 

Thanks to you, we're working with communities to turn this reality around, by getting essential medicines, nutritional support and education to mums and their communities.

Learn more about our work in Asia.



Less than half of people in Africa have access to healthcare facilities, and many healthcare professionals don't have adequate resources or tools to provide high-quality care.

We're working together with communities to immunise children and ensure diseases like malaria and diarrhoea are treated quickly, by training locals in hygiene, health and nutrition.

Learn more about our work in Africa.

You can provide life-saving healthcare to children who need it most.

Every $1 you donate will provide $6 of urgent life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

Gertrude can now provide for her own family while working as a village health worker. She is responsible for more than 160 households in her community, helping to reduce disease and malnutrition rates.

Gertrude, with her 15-month-old daughter Progress.