Visionaries News Hub

A legacy of love

A legacy of love

Ben and Kate, Whangarei

Whangarei couple Ben and Kate are committed to leaving a legacy of love. When they got engaged, their first financial decision was to sponsor a child. “For years, Christopher was the only sponsored child that we were able to support. But we were absolutely committed to doing so, even when finances were short and times were tough for us."

After purchasing their first home, Ben and Kate put together a Will, and in it, they chose to include a gift to World Vision. “Including a gift in our Will felt like a great way to ensure the values important to us, those of generosity, honesty, hard work, charity and protection, live on."

We want to acknowledge and thank these amazing supporters who so generously included a gift in their Will to World Vision. Their love and commitment to children in great need will be felt for generations to come.