Nancy's Story

When Nancy was 11 years old, World Vision started working in her community. This is when Georgie started sponsoring her. 

Georgie is amazed at the impact that her child sponsorship has had on Nancy.

Nancy credits her sponsorship with supporting her education, saying that if it weren’t for World Vision she would not have even gone to High School. Nancy shares that “it was rare to find girls who had made it to High School. My sister is the first graduate lady from that location, and then I’m second.” Nancy graduated top 3 in her class and went on to Nairobi University, eventually getting her Master’s degree.

Now, at 34 years old Nancy believes her child sponsorship also played an important part in her career choice of humanitarian work. “If it were not for World Vision I would not have made it this far” Nancy shares.

Nancy now helps adults in her community who didn’t have the chance to go to school with access to education. People in her community now see her as a role model, and community leaders talk about how they encourage young girls in the community to follow a similar pathway. Nancy said, “I was shocked. There are girls I met, they are young like 15 years and they are like you have always been my role model and finally, I can see you”.

Child sponsorship has had a lasting impact on Nancy’s sense of wanting to help others. “Child sponsorship made me appreciate a second chance in life so I like giving people second chances. So I help people who never had a chance to go through high school”.

Sponsoring a girl, like Nancy, is a personal way for you and your family to care for a child in need.