Clean Water

Clean water means life. For children living in poverty, it can also mean freedom – freedom from waterborne illnesses and long daily treks to haul home water for the family. 

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Reaching one new person with clean water every 10 seconds.

Improved access for everyone
Lack of access to water and sanitation is a major reason why children with disabilities drop out of school. We provide solutions that are accessible, affordable and dignified, increasing opportunities for education, employment and self-sufficiency.

Water in schools
Almost half of all schools in low-income countries lack access to water and sanitation facilities. We are providing safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities in schools, including education on hygienic behaviours like handwashing with soap.

Support for girls
When girls are unable to manage menstrual hygiene, it affects their education, health and overall wellbeing. By providing communities with appropriate knowledge and resources, we can improve education and equality for girls.

Give the gift of Clean Water!

$45 to provide clean water for a child
When you give the gift of water, you give the gift of life. Wash away a child’s worry of illness by giving them access to safe, disease-free water at home and at school.

$65 to buy a water filter
This life-giving gift will give vulnerable kids clean, disease-free water at home. Your gift of a water filter can help keep a family safe from preventable diseases that kill children every day.

$90 to fund a school toilet
School toilets protect kids from getting sick, give girls privacy so they can still go to school during their periods, and stop kids cutting class to take care of business.

$1,600 to provide a community with clean water
Tap into clean water for an entire community and provide a wellspring of hygiene and health. You’ll give kids and families access to safe clean water.

World Vision is the largest non-government provider of safe water in the developing world. Our goal is to have clean water and sanitation for everyone, everywhere we work, by 2030.



When natural disasters strike the Pacific, vulnerable island communities are hit hard. Infrastructure is wiped out, and access to the basics for survival becomes tremendously difficult.

With your support, we help communities in the Pacific prepare for natural disasters, by working with local experts to build reliable water sources that can be managed and protected.

Learn more about our work supporting the Pacific.



For more than 630 million people in South Asia, clean water has been pushed out of reach. Pollution, industry, and population growth has contaminated the water running through the region's vast rivers.

You are putting clean water back within reach. Your support is digging wells, protecting natural springs, and building rainwater systems in schools to provide drinking water for children.

Learn more about our work in Asia.



In Africa, unsafe water is one of the biggest killers of children under five. In some places, getting clean water is staggeringly hard – 40 billion labour hours a year go to collecting water.

Thanks to you, we're working with communities to make sure they have access to safe water. Together, we're building and repairing water sources and toilets and teaching safe hygiene practices.

Learn more about our work in Africa.

You can provide life-saving clean water to children who need it most.

Every $1 you donate will provide $6 of urgent life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

“This will change everything. We’re happy. The animals are happy. Even the birds are happy,”.

- Cheru's father, Samson.

Cheru (6), Kenya