
We're bringing lasting, quality education to more children so that they can write their own futures.

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Every year we help millions of children go to school.

Improving literacy
We support school children to learn reading, maths and essential life skills. We use evidence-based approaches to improve education quality and outcomes, including training teachers, hosting community reading activities and providing age-appropriate and locally relevant materials.

Supporting youth development
We help adolescents with applied life-skills training to set them up for a bright and sustainable future. We help students develop livelihood and citizenship skills, often through a mentoring relationship, to support them in becoming active and productive members of their communities.

Education in emergencies
Emergencies disrupt a child's education. We provide temporary child-friendly learning spaces, access to learning and emotional support, and capacity building for teachers and caregivers. This ensures that children's rights to education are upheld even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Give the gift of Education!

$25 to buy a back to school pack
For children everywhere, education is the best hope for breaking free from poverty. Yet school supplies are hard to come by for children whose families are struggling to survive.

$80 to help a girl get an education
Education enables girls to create brighter futures. You can help families send and keep their daughters in school. So, more girls can learn and grow into forces of change.

$140 to help train a teacher
In the fight against poverty, education is the principle means to a better life – especially for girls. Your gift will train a teacher and help kids break free from poverty, for good.

$750 to kit out a classroom
In the fight against poverty, education is the principal means to a better life – especially for girls. With this gift, you’ll support kids to succeed at school by kitting out their classroom.

We believe every child deserves a chance to go to school, so every year, we provide safe learning spaces and help millions of the most vulnerable children get lasting, quality education.



Many children in the Pacific miss out on quality education. Often, schools are under-resourced or are too far away for children to get to each day. 

Thanks to your support, we're working with communities to provide quality education to all boys and girls. You are helping ensure that children go to school from early childhood right through to receiving life-skills training as teenagers.

Learn more about our work supporting the Pacific.



Across Asia, girls at a much higher risk of sex trafficking, child labour, and child marriage because they are not getting an education.

With your support, we're doing all that we can to get more girls in school. We're helping to provide quality education, for both boys and girls, so that they can have safe futures; and working with parents to ensure they know how important education is.

Learn more about our work in Asia.



Across Africa, many children have to work to support their families, meaning they have to drop out of school.

We're working with parents and communities to build schools all children can learn in. This means making sure there are safe, private toilets for girls, and having sanitary products available at school for when they get their periods.

Learn more about our work in Africa.

You can give children a chance to write their own futures.

Every $1 you donate will provide $6 of urgent life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

“I'm so excited to come to the literacy centre because I get to practice drawing and writing, which improves my skills.”

- Ronitah (8), Buyamba community, Uganda