About Child Sponsorship

When you sponsor a child, you transform their life
by helping to create lasting change.

Sign up to sponsor a child
You can choose a child to sponsor or sign up to be Chosen. To be Chosen, send us your photo and give a child the chance to choose you as their sponsor.

Connect with your sponsored child
Each child is matched with one sponsor. You can build a relationship with your Sponsored Child and their community through letters, videos, encouragement and more.

See your gifts at work...
Your monthly gift is combined with other donations for maximum impact. Your support funds long-term resources for your Sponsored Child's whole community, like access to clean water and quality education.

... and celebrate the progress!
Your love, letters and donations result in real, lasting change for your Sponsored Child, their family and their community. Enjoy sharing the journey and celebrating with them along the way.

How Child Sponsorship works

Depending on the needs of the community, development projects focus on:

Child Protection

Child Protection

We work alongside communities to protect children who are vulnerable to abuse or exploitation like child marriage, child labour and trafficking.

Clean Water

Clean Water

Reaching 1 new person every 10 seconds, World Vision is the largest non-government provider of safe water in the developing world.



Every year we provide millions of children with an education so they can reach their full potential and contribute to their communities.

Nutritious Food

Nutritious Food

Every year, we provide more than nine million people with life-saving food assistance, including five million children.

Family Income

Family Income

Breaking the poverty cycle with economic empowerment, by strengthening families' capacity to provide for their children.



We ensure the most vulnerable have access to healthcare services to help children and their families live long and healthy lives.

Emergency Relief

Emergency Relief

We respond to disasters with life-saving speed and then stay to ensure the lives of disaster-affected families and communities are rebuilt.



We relentlessly advocate for an end to violence against children and ensure the voices of the world’s most vulnerable children are heard.

How Child Sponsorship Works

How Child Sponsorship Works

The most effective way to break the cycle of poverty and help a child to thrive is to strengthen their entire community. 

We partner with communities and meet with local leaders to understand their needs, goals, resources, and unique challenges they face to find long-term solutions.

Depending on the needs of the community, development projects focus on implementing and improving water systems, schools, health clinics, farming co-ops, and community savings groups to create a vibrant, sustainable future for every child.

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child sponsored, four more children benefit too.

Create lasting change.
Sponsor a Child today.

How sponsorship changes the life of your sponsored child.

Your sponsorship helps to improve the physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of your child.

Your sponsored child receives:
  • Community-wide solutions such as clean water systems, improved schools, health services and farming co-ops
  • Activities such as children's clubs, learning events and community celebrations
  • Protection from abuse, neglect and exploitation
  • Regular monitoring of their progress and well-being by local staff
  • Any encouraging cards, letters or photos that you send
  • Opportunity to contribute as agents of change in their communities

How sponsoring a child will change your life.

Child sponsorship is an effective, inspiring and rewarding way to help provide children in need with brighter futures.

You can connect with your sponsored child in so many meaningful ways.
  • A welcome pack, introducing your child
  • Your first letter from your child (within 12 weeks)
  • Regular child photo and updates
  • Annual progress reports from your child's community
  • Complimentary greeting cards to send to your child
  • The life-changing opportunity to visit your sponsored child